Part I Nutrition

Here at Corrientes Social Club we want to introduce the injury recover topic to our dancing blog in a

4-part series:

  • Nutrition (see our video tutorial)
  • Positive Attitude
  • Understanding muscular unbalances  
  • A Progressive and Consistent Recovery Programme 

What happens to you after suffering an injury?  Here are some tips you can use however always check with your doctor the best course of recovery for your particular kind of injury. Once you have been diagnosed and a surgical procedure and/or treatment has taken place you should keep in mind that a good recovery depends on: 

1. Good nutrition (see our video tutorial below)

2. Positive attitude despite the perhaps having a gloomy feeling that you are not well.

3. A progressive and consistent recovery programme of strength exercises that work for your body’s unique shape and structure.

4. Keeping well with a integral and consistent body-mind programme to help you return back to dancing.

This video will focus on Part 1

Good nutrition

Enjoy and leave us your comments, don’t forget to subscribe



Video: Corrientes Social Club.
Music: Bajofondo Tango Club -Slippery Sidewalks-