by mina_user | Apr 19, 2021 | Pilates For Dancing
What is Pilates? Pilates is not a series of exercises, is a concept, and for us dancing people is the perfect complement. Those of us who love dancing ought to seek a holistic strength of our entire physical and mental well-being, to re-balance, release and... by mina_user | May 2, 2019 | Argentine Tango Classes, Argentine Tango knowledge, Pilates For Dancing
How an over 100 years old social dance can still today bring many benefits to your social life, body and mind? Dancing in general can bring glorious benefits to people of any age and dance abilities and according to the Better Health Magazine the list of these is... by mina_user | Apr 10, 2017 | Pilates For Dancing
Part 2 of 4 Positive Attitude Here at we continue to introduce the injury recover topic to our dancing blog divided in a 4-part series: Nutrition Positive Attitude Understanding muscular unbalances Following Progressive and Integral... by mina_user | Apr 2, 2017 | Pilates For Dancing
Part I Nutrition Here at Corrientes Social Club we want to introduce the injury recover topic to our dancing blog in a 4-part series: Nutrition (see our video tutorial) Positive Attitude Understanding muscular unbalances A Progressive and Consistent Recovery... by mina_user | Mar 25, 2017 | Pilates For Dancing
In Argentine Tango we train our bodies to achieve an effortless rotation around our axis, this ‘task’ can take few hours of practice for some and perhaps years for others, however, what it is important is the value, attention and persistence we give to...