Terms & Conditions



Product HOW TO LEARN TANGO IN 10 STEPS, users terms of use:


License agreement:


HOW TO LEARN TANGO IN 10 STEPS ONLINE TANGO LESSONS is an 18 months subscription that allows users to access to our foundation tango course of ten clips and two bonus clips and aids materials.

HOW TO LEARN TANGO IN 10 STEPS ONLINE TANGO LESSONS license is a “single application” license for membership and not a “multi-use” license, which means that you can’t use the Item to reproduce, share or copy its content or its access password. You agree not to reproduce, download, share, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the How To Learn Tango In 10 Steps Tango Lessons.


Copyright Infringement

Infringement occurs when someone uses work that is protected by copyright laws without the creator’s permission and, if you’re found liable for copyright infringement, you may face damages charges. The penalty is greater if the court finds the infringement willful. Do not use other creators’ work in form or content unless you have their permission.


Copyright Arte Latino Cultural Project

-Corrientes Social Club-
